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  1. If an item has multiple dependencies, which dependency is used to update the item’s date/timeline?
    – If an item has multiple dependencies, only the first selected dependency is used to update the item’s timeline.
  2. Can’t find country in list of countries?
    – Although the app supports a long list of countries, some countries are not included as the app doesn’t have information about holidays in those countries.
    To solve this, you can create a template contains the list of holidays in your country and use that template.
    Here is a demo on how to create custom holidays
  3. App does not recognize date as country holiday?
    -If the app does not recognize some dates as holidays in your country even though they are, create a template of the list of holidays in your country and run app with the created template.
  4. What happens when I change a date or timeline in my holidays board?
    When ever the app runs for a board, it always uses the current data from the holidays board, so when you update your holidays board and run the app for a particular board, the newest data from the holidays board will be used.
  5. What is the cost of the app?
    You can find the pricing information here
  6. What board data is stored?
    When using a template, the app does not store any board, item or column data but only the identifiers (for example, board id). Your board data remains safe and secure in monday.com