The Percenage or Weighted distribution model enables you to assign items to users based on the stated percentage value allocated to that user in relation to other selected users.
To choose the Percentage distribution model, navigate to the “Templates” screen and select the users or teams to be assigned and then select the “Percentage” option from the list of distribution models.
Next, assign the desired percentages to each user.
The total percentage for all users must be equal to 100.
You cannot save or update a template if the total percentage is less or greater than 100.
Don't forget to save the template after making any changes
When a template is updated, it’s percentage calculation is resetted.
For example, if a user A was previously assigned 60% of items and user B was previously assigned 40% and the template was updated to assign 70% to user A and 30% to user B, the calculation for user A and user B all the selected users will start all over again, that is, user A and user B and all selected users, upon their next assignment, will be assigned as if they weren’t previously assigned any items. Their previous assignments will not be included in the calculation.