How to add the app to your account.
1. Click on the update icon on any item
2. In the opened window, click on the Add View (plus icon)
3. From the search box, search for Paysaro and click on “Add Widget” on the found card
The app will be added to your item.
App Structure
All the fields, except for the auto-calculated fields in the app are editable.
You add your logo by clicking on the “Logo” field.
When uploaded, you can click on the diagonal line at the top right corner of the uploaded logo to resize. To resize, you can click or drag the slider to the desired pixel. When done, you can click on anywhere on the app to close the slider.
To select a date for either Invoice Date or Due Date, click the fields next to them and select the desired date from the date picker
Add Items Manually
To add a new item manually, click on the “New item” button which will add a new field to be able to add a new item. The Quantity column and Rate column are disabled until the Item name is added. The Amount column, Sub Total and Sales Tax are automatically calculated based on the inputted values.
Change Sales Tax
The default Sales Tax is 10%. To change it, click on the “Sales Tax” field and update the value.
As shown in the image below, the Sales tax can be updated, for example 20%
It is important to have a value and the percentage sign in the sales tax field. Without that, the sales tax will not be calculated.
Change Currency
Just like any other field, the currency field can also be updated by clicking the field and changing it to the desired currency. Here is a link to a list of currency symbols that might help.
Download Document
The app currently only supports PDF downloads. To download the document, click on the “Download PDF” at the top right-hand corner of the app.
Add Items from Board
To add items from your board, click on the “Map and Select items” icon at the top of the app
This opens a dialog window with two steps.
Step 1
Step 1 is where you map the columns in Paysaro to the columns in your board.
The columns to the left are the columns in the Paysaro app and the dropdown options to the right enables you to select columns from your board. Currently, the Quantity and Rate columns can only be mapped to number columns. The Item Description column can be mapped to any column except the file and auto-calculated columns.
Here is a list of currently unsupported auto-calculated columns.
– Progress tracking column
– Auto number column
– Item ID column
– Last updated column
– Creation log column
– Formula column
When selecting columns from connected boards, the various boards are separated in the dropdown list by the names and a colored dot next to the board names. This is for easy identification.
When the various columns are mapped, the “Next” button becomes enabled to be able to go to the next step.
Step 2
In Step 2, the values are automatically extracted from the selected columns and are made available for selection.
To include an item into the document, click on the check box located at the left-hand side of the items.
When all the needed items are selected, click on the “Complete” button to finally add the items to your board.
The columns can be sorted by clicked on the arrows next to the column names. To search a column, input the search text in the text box below the column name.
Additionally, to get new data from the board, click on the circled arrow next to the “Map and Select columns”
When the “Complete” button is clicked, the dialog window is closed and the items are automatically added to the document.
More items can be added manually, which has no effect or the board, or automatically as explained above.
To go to the settings of the app, click on the gear button at the top of the app.
This opens a dialog window with various options to choose from.
Date format
The app support two date formats:
1. Day.Month.Year (Default)
2. Month.Day.Year
The selected date format is applied to both the Invoice Date and the Due Date.
The app supports several language characters.
The default option (Option 1), supports Latin, Cyrillic, or Greek.
The other available options are:
1. Option 2 – Supports Hebrew
2. Option 3 – Supports Japanese
The language option indicates to the app, which language to render the text when downloading.
Important: Without selecting the appropriate language, you might see some unfamiliar characters when the document is downloaded.
Include notes – When checked, this will include a notes field at the bottom of the document.
Include terms and conditions – When checked, this will include a field for terms and conditions at the bottom of the document.
Footer at page bottom/ Footer after total amount – This determines where to place the “Include notes” and “Include terms and conditions” fields. When checked, it is included at the page bottom. When unchecked, it is placed right after the “Total amount” field
Save Changes
The Save changes button saves the current state of your document. This helps to prevent multiple rewrites of the same data every time.
All changes are saved right in No data is saved outside
If you have any questions about the app, you can always reach out at
We are always happy to help you out. Please remember to check your spam inbox in case any replies land in there after writing to us.
We hope you enjoy the app!